The majority of people shudder at the idea of approaching their boss about a wage boost. Asking can be your only option if your firm doesn't offer regular annual wage raises and you're not eligible for a promotion. You should be aware that asking for a raise is completely acceptable, and that the majority of company managers and business owners want to look out for their employees. When requesting a pay raise, preparation and planning are essential. You must persuade your boss that your contribution to the company's work is valuable in addition to the customary annual pay increase of, on average, 2-4% when you request a rise.

The timing of your request, your employer's current pay policies, the eligibility of other employees for contribution-based pay raises, and the market-based pay rates for your position in your area are additional factors that must be taken into consideration in addition to planning and preparation. When you choose to approach your employer for a pay increase, they all come into play.
Here are some tips on how to ask your employer for a pay raise:
1. Why are you seeking a raise?
The crucial question to respond to is this one. Before making your request for a raise, make a list of all the reasons why you desire one. Don't ask for a raise because your rent increased or because you're annoyed that your coworker doesn't put in as much effort yet is paid the same as you. Your request should be supported by arguments that are based on your performance and the value you provide to the team and the corporation.
2. When to Request a Pay Raise
Preparing for this conversation and choosing the appropriate time to ask for a raise are equally crucial. Find out when your company plans its fiscal budget so you can make sure you aren't asking for the unattainable when you choose a good time to ask for a raise. When would it ideal to request a raise?
Annual Performance Reviews: Your annual performance review may be a suitable setting for this discussion, as it is both timely and frequently expected to bring up the subject of pay.
After Finishing a Big Project: After finishing a big project or doing outstanding work, it's a fantastic idea to ask for a raise.
When your Manager is Content: If you request a raise during a busy or stressful time, your manager will undoubtedly be pressed for time. Await the conclusion of the situation and your subsequent reiteration of your value before requesting a raise.
3. Read the employee manual.
The method for awarding pay hikes may be described in the handbook. If there is a procedure or policy in place, adhering strictly to it is your best shot when requesting a salary raise. You can spend time and effort preparing to ask for a raise that is not available if the employee handbook specifies that your employer will only provide a salary boost once a year. (There are many reasons for a policy like this, such as treating employees equally and managers' incapacity to fairly process pay raise requests and differentiate between employees.)
4. How to Ask Your Boss for a Pay Increase
Allow yourself time to prepare for the talk, as well as time for your manager to consider your request. Schedule a meeting with your boss ahead of time rather than unexpectedly knocking on their door; this demonstrates that you value their time. If your supervisor is unavailable on a particular weekday, cross that day off your list. Once you've booked the meeting, prepare like a college research paper by gathering credible facts and addressing the following areas in your pay negotiation.
Side note:
In your mind, set a pay increase goal that appears to reward the contributions and additional responsibilities you have documented. Make use of all of your previous research to ensure that you are asking for a salary increase that is appropriate for your work and performance, as well as justly merited.