There is so much going on right now. The world is in turmoil. Nuclear threats are increasing, World War 3 seems like its lurking in the near future, nationwide layoffs are happening, recession is a reality and yet, we are still told not to panic! How? Why?
Well the thing is, its actually not that simple to keep calm on the inside when all of the above are happening on the outside. We feel bombarded, we are under constant stress, our minds are full of anxious and overwhelming thoughts and all we really want to do is take cover and hide away from everything and everyone. This seems like the obvious thing to do. But it is also the weak thing to do. We have to man up, if it is not for ourselves then we have to man up for those around us, those dependent on our emotional stability and for those who feel like they can not continue anymore.
It is extremely difficult to stay positive, when everything are so negative. Business Owners and bosses should understand that even though "the show must go on" the "actors" should have the mental capabilities to actually want to participate in the "show". Here are some tips for bosses and business owners to ensure the health of their employees are on track and in check: 1. Have one on one meetings
While this tip seems impossible for large corporations, it is actually very simple. This is where you have to make sure that your company's management structure is well thought out. You can use managers of different departments to conduct one on ones with employees. If the departments are large, you can appoint assistant managers to help with this task. Having one on ones will not only provide the employee with some sort of satisfaction, it will also bring about a sense of loyalty Furthermore, this tip can help with transparency.
2. Implement mental health campaigns
Without adequate support, mental illnesses and other mental health conditions can have an impact on a person's ability to work productively, ability to manage absences, and ease of retaining or obtaining employment. Depression and anxiety alone cost the world 12 billion working days annually.
3. Reward hard work
Rewarding your employees can go a long way. And no, we do not mean just financial rewards. Rewards can be different. Congratulate the employee of the month in the newsletter, or give them a shout out in the meeting, brag with them on social media or use them as an example when explaining work to others.
4. Prioritize Work-Life Balance
A work-life balance is defined as. It is the control of time spent both at work and away from it. In other words, it gives people more flexibility and balance when it comes to juggling their obligations to their families, friends, and jobs.
A vital component of creating a positive workplace culture and retaining staff is ensuring that they have a great work-life balance. In fact, allowing for more flexibility will lessen general stress and help guard against workplace burnout.
For employers, burnout can be a serious problem. Employees who are burned out frequently describe fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and other symptoms. This is no joke! According to this Harvard Business School report, burnout affects more than just individuals and groups of people. In fact, businesses may incur annual healthcare costs of between $125 billion and $190 billion as a result of the psychological and physical effects of employee burnout.
How then can you prevent burnout and improve work-life balance at your organization? Making such a significant change is difficult, but it can have a significant impact. Try the following advice:
Provide flexible working options, such as allowing employees to work remotely occasionally, and make use of video conferencing to ensure that everyone feels included, regardless of where they are.
Encourage managers to track project and productivity progress rather than purely time spent at the office.
Leaders should take breaks and unplug, according to managers.
Review the workloads of your employees on a regular basis, and ask them how they handle it.
Allocate time for your staff to volunteer and give back to the community.
Rethink your vacation policies to give staff members more time to disconnect.
Expand the range of parental support options.
“Courage Is Not Absent Of Fear. Courage Is Your Willingness To Push Through Fear In Spite Of Feeling It. Be Brave Because You Can.” ― Wesam Fawzi