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Fun Facts about recruitment

Writer's picture: Antonise De WetAntonise De Wet

Finding a job may be an interesting process. When things don't go your way, it provides you lots of reasons to be frustrated, but it also gradually makes your job search strategy more sensible. It's more crucial than ever to be job ready and stand out from the competition due to the widening gap between the demand for competent workers and the number of job searchers each year. Wouldn't it be fascinating to peek into a recruiter's head for a while? Whether you like them or not, recruiters frequently play a crucial part in our search for fantastic new jobs. Sometimes, it's more than a little challenging to understand what they're thinking or the motivations behind their actions. That is most likely a result of information about recruiting that you are ignorant of. Here are some fun facts about recruitment:

1. First impressions matter a lot.

Making a strong first impression is crucial if you're in a job interview.

This is due to the fact that 33% of employers decide on a candidate within the first 90 seconds of the interview.

Make a good impression right away rather than taking the chance of only doing so at the end of a 40-minute interview.

2. The recruiting process differs significantly between the United States and other countries.

This might not really be a secret. After all, common sense should tell us that the hiring process would vary depending on the location due to linguistic and cultural variances. Not to mention how various laws and corporate standards may have an impact on hiring.

However, it's intriguing to think about some of the actual contrasts. Here are a few instances:

  • While the majority of hiring in the United States is done online, certain Asian and Latin American nations prefer to base their hiring decisions on recommendations or word of mouth.

  • Benefits packages in other nations seem very different.

  • Recruiters and job seekers Additionally, employers They have different views on things like emotional expression and confrontationalism depending on the country they are from. Take Russia as an example, where candidates find it very difficult to emphasize their own accomplishments rather than the accomplishments of the group.

In certain cultures, refusing is considered rude. Therefore, closed inquiries should be avoided. The point is made loud and clear throughout the list: look in the country where you want to hire. The hiring process is significantly impacted by technology and culture.

3. The Background to Recruitment

Famous Roman Emperor Julius Caesar rewarded his men with money for recruiting fresh soldiers for his army. They might even have gotten pay that was equivalent to a third of the starting soldier's annual salary. The army required professionals such as veterinarians, surveyors, and medics in addition to soldiers. At that time, many hiring procedures that are still in use today had their beginnings. One way to accomplish this is by providing equal employment opportunities and higher pay for hazardous jobs.

4. Internal hiring procedures might have prevented you from getting the position.

This is a great insider's tip among recruiters. Even when hiring managers plan to fill the position inside, regulation or corporate policy may compel them to advertise the position to candidates outside the company. Sadly, that suggests that even if you have little to no chance of getting the job, there is still a chance you could be invited for an interview. And what's worse, you'll never learn. You will only be informed as is normal that the company will be looking into another application.

5. It Is Expensive to Hire and Keep Employees

The average cost of each hire is just over $4100. Of course, this covers both higher expenses for tech and C-suite professions as well as relatively inexpensive costs for numerous entry-level or low-skill positions. Even so, that's a considerable sum of money, and the majority of businesses don't want to waste it on hires who might not turn out. Because of this, it is the responsibility of the recruiter to be extremely picky, to comprehend the needs of the client, and to guarantee that the candidates they suggest are a good fit.

Quick takes on Recruitment:

  • Up to 50% of applicants are "weeded out" (their words, not ours) by talent-management software used by many businesses before a CV or cover letter is even reviewed.

  • A CV is often just read for 5-7 seconds, and if it has even one spelling or grammar error, it will be ignored. If your email address is unprofessional, 76% of CVs are rejected.

  • Other than the time and place of their actual interview, just 38.2% of applicants receive any information beforehand.

  • However, in a survey of 2,000 hiring managers, 33% claimed to know whether or not they would hire someone within 90 seconds. Interviews typically last 40 minutes (phone interviews 30 minutes). Following that, it often takes 24 hours to two weeks to hear from the business with their choice.

  • Before making an offer, staff look for the following: 36% of employers look for the ability to multitask, 31% for initiative, 21% for creative thinking, and 12% for something else in a candidate.

  • Although the value of feedback cannot be overstated, the results of the candidate experience awards revealed that only 5.5% of unsuccessful applicants received feedback from employers that they found even moderately helpful; of these, only 2.6% of applicants received "specific and valuable feedback." Those were the fortunate ones because 55.9% claimed they never even got any feedback. Another 20% of those that did were provided “general or limited feedback.”


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