There are numerous techniques you might take if you wish to apply for a position that isn't listed online or through a public channel. Finding unadvertised jobs can take some effort and investigation, from contacting employers directly to visiting conferences and trade fairs. You will also need to construct a résumé and cover letter, just like you would for a job posting. Job seekers and career-minded professionals cannot afford to wait for opportunities to come to them. It is significantly more productive to take a proactive, targeted strategy. That means you should look for the company where you wish to work and make your pitch. But what if your prospective employer isn't hiring? Is it still worthwhile to "apply" when no vacancies are available? This question has a simple answer: YES. Whether or not an official job vacancy exists, it's always a good idea to strike up a conversation with a company you'd like to work for.

Let's first examine why you should still submit an application even if the organization isn't recruiting?
Did you know that according to career experts, between 70 and 80 percent of job postings never appear in the classifieds? Even if it could appear that the organization isn't hiring, there may still be openings. Positions could become available shortly, and in some situations, the ideal candidate might even be able to design their own post. Even without such luck, it still pays to introduce oneself to the company. In this way, you'll be at the top of everyone's thoughts when the ideal situation arises. Second, businesses are frequently more adaptable than you might imagine, and if you can make a compelling case, they could be prepared to designate a position specifically for you.
How should I approach applying for a position at a company that is not hiring?
In job searches, you can choose one of two approaches: marketing or sales. Marketing involves putting yourself in locations where your ideal employers will notice you, such as the company's resume database. This is a solid start, but it does not guarantee that you will be discovered or that you will be interviewed.
The sales aspect of a job hunt entails engaging in as many interactions as possible with potential employers. Finding and speaking with those who have the authority to hire you is the logical path to take, and in your situation, it is a necessary. Most people are terrified of making this kind of interaction. However, in an era of severe talent shortages, most HRIS managers are on the lookout for talent, thus hearing from an experienced HRIS expert is unlikely to offend them.
Here are some tips to improve your chances of getting hired by a company that isn't hiring right now:
1. You must know the company, not simply like it.
If you wish to work for a firm that is not currently hiring or looking for someone like you, you must have a strong interest in that company. Under Armour, for example, will be more interested in connecting with you if you not only wear their gear but also regularly use their applications, understand their fabric and footwear technology, and document your product testing on your blog. Companies want someone who is familiar with and enthusiastic about their product. More significantly, understand the company from top to bottom, including its corporate culture and where it is in its business cycle. Look up the organization's ideals and the most recent company news online. Visit the company's "Who We Are" and "People and Culture" webpages to learn more about the financial giant Goldman Sachs, for instance. Search the company on Google News and read about them and what they are currently doing. To read reviews of companies, go to websites like Fairygodboss and Glassdoor.
2. Instead of merely requesting an opportunity, you offer the organization a solution.
Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton, contends in his book Give and Take that success comes from assisting others, and that those who prioritize their own interests over those of others fail. Do not merely consider your next opportunity as a strategy to increase your income or elevate your status while attempting to acquire your next job move. It should be a chance that improves both your professional aims and those of the company. It is a company worth pursuing if you can provide value, meet a need, and aid the business.
3. You must do more than just send your CV; you must remain top-of-mind.
If you send your CV to a company that isn't recruiting right now, nothing will happen. Keep coming to mind if you want the recruiter or hiring manager to remember you. Strategically timed contacts will keep the hiring business thinking of you. Utilize the chance to share the link with them if you find an article that you think they could find interesting. Inform them of a new achievement that has occurred since you submitted your resume. But don't get in touch with them too frequently. Reaching out too frequently can come across as desperate and be off-putting.