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The best way to respond to tricky questions during an interview

There are a few things you can do, but you will have to deal with it because it's almost never an option to deny it ever happened or say "no comment." It's crucial to be ready for anything and to practice these quick but potent strategies for answering challenging questions. It's not difficult to respond to the majority of the fundamental interview questions about your abilities, experience, or skills with a little bit of preparation. Questions like "what would you (or did you) do in this situation?" and innocent-sounding but unlawful inquiries about your family or marital status raise the trickier problems.

Then there is the absurd question, "If you were a animal, what kind of animal would you be?" There is no correct response to this question. Being aware that the interviewer usually wants to know how you handle yourself when he asks challenging questions will help you be prepared to handle anything that is thrown at you. Here are some ways to approach a difficult question during an interview:

1. Do not confront the interviewer

A financial analyst questioned Tesla CEO Elon Musk about capital expenditures on a May 3 earnings call. It is a pertinent subject for a business that has not yet turned a profit. Excuse me. Next. Boring, stupid questions are not cool. Next, Musk said.

Musk demonstrated the harm that can be done when we attack the questioner to avoid answering legitimate questions, despite later calling to apologize. Try not to be rude to the people asking the questions.

2. Prepare and practice.

As I've said before, being as prepared as you can be in advance is the best way to handle any communication situation. Although you can't prepare for every question that will be asked of you, you can for the majority of them. You can also be prepared in a general way for almost every question type that will be directed at you.

  • Pay attention to the entire query. Wait until the questioner is finished before thinking of an answer.

  • To the entire audience, repeat or restate the query. To take out hostility and emotion, make the question shorter and use more neutral language.

  • Respond to the query. Answer honestly, succinctly, and in front of the entire group.

3. Pivot to your messages

Every time you're questioned, go back to your main ideas that support your theme. Although it may seem strange, repeating these messages is necessary given people's current attention deficits. Although it may seem like repetition to you, you are actually reiterating your main point.

Just be careful not to say these messages exactly in the same words; instead, vary how you say them. To support your arguments, make use of various facts, instances, or tales. People won't perceive you as being repetitious; rather, they'll perceive you as someone who is crystal clear about what you're attempting to say.

4. Don't take offense

It's crucial to avoid letting questions trigger your emotions when you're responding to them. You lose if that occurs during a session and you become defensive. Keep your cool and your composure to maintain your confidence.

5. Respond truthfully.

Everyone has encountered those quick one-liners, seducers, clowns, or intellectual types who provide us with lengthy, thought-provoking responses to a straightforward question. Before we can respond quickly on the spot and think on our feet, we must first communicate with ourselves. By answering truthfully, we restore people's sense of importance, including our own. People pay attention when we respond honestly, and significant events begin to take place. It takes more than just exchanging words to convey to another being what is truly important.

6. Recognize when to stop

Although it may seem straightforward, many of us find it challenging. We've all given excellent responses at some point, only to undermine everything we said by including extra details. Even though we may think that talking more will make people pay more attention, the opposite is actually true. Make them yearn for more. Stop speaking before they tune you out.

These are just a few of the strategies you can employ to deal with challenging or even hostile questions, but it's crucial to keep in mind that you shouldn't ever feel pressured to talk about a subject you can't or don't want to. All of these techniques require practice to master, and we go into much more detail about how to use them in the training courses, but with them, you can significantly boost your confidence and make sure that you can handle awkward questions if they do arise.


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