Few things in life are certain except for death, taxes, and the fact that women are the superior sex.
Why Women Decision-Makers Are Critical To Economic Growth
If you look at the real base foundation of our economy, it starts with food, housing, clothing, and education. And in most cases, it’s Mom deciding what to stock the fridge with, buying clothes for the kids, picking the furniture and where it’s going to go, and she will almost certainly play a key role in deciding what school or afterschool programs the kids will enroll in. According to a study in Forbes magazine, women influence 70-80% of all consumer purchasing decisions.
The Importance Of An Equal Opportunity Hiring Process
When you look back at history, it’s easy to see that women and minorities may have been overlooked at times when it came to opportunities in the workforce.
Reasons A Business Should Hire A Diverse Team
Today some of the most innovative and successful companies in America are also the most diverse. Having a diverse group of individuals, of all genders, ethnicities, religions and orientations will give your business a broader perspective on the world. The evidence is pretty clear that the more diverse the team the greater the chance for innovative thinking. It’s pretty simple, when you add a broader perspective to any problem you get a greater number of options to consider which leads to more opportunities and better business. That’s why diversity is essential for your business. Yes, you want to hire the most qualified person, but you can do both. Historically qualified candidates have been overlooked because of the very fact that they were different from the people interviewing them.
Tips To Help Businesses Get More Women Interested In Their Workplace
Advice to give any business interested in hiring women is to really take stock of the office environment. Try and put yourself into a newcomer’s shoes and see what you may notice about the office space. How are your employees dressed? Are the bathrooms clean? Is the fridge full of old, expired food? These may seem like minor things, but they can leave a major negative impression.
But even more important than the look of your environment is the people inhabiting your environment. Are there other women working in your business? If so, what are their roles? A female staff member recently told me that she took the position with our organization because, during her interview, she noticed multiple women working in “C-Suite”, high level, decision making roles. Because of this, she recognized that we gave equal opportunities to both men and women and wanted to be a part of our team.